The neat thing that I thought Candy might find interesting was
this link to the Charlotte Mason Homeschool Planning Bash - I thought since she likes CM too - she might appreciate it. I didn't talk about her topic at all but I figured she lets everyone else post off topic so it must be okay.
I have no idea why she edited out the link.
For more info on the CM Bash or for some other cool homeschooling ideas, I have some links up on
my other blog.
I'm pretty sure she "edited out" the link because then it makes your comment seem to agree with her post.
I left her a comment the other day about using the library to check out videos in case they were not her taste so she didn't feel she wasted her money. She didn't publish it- I guess it was too vile. LOL
Anyway, you know she removed your link because it would show her readers that you share something in common with her, and it would take away from the picture she paints of you. Pretty sad if you ask me.
I think she wants her readers to think that everyone loves and agrees with her...I'm sorry, but that girl has some major problems!
Bizarre. But she left the link to your blog and the story there WAS pretty interesting, all to the good.
OTOH she didn't keep the link to my blog when I left my comment about the meez salvations ("brought tears to my eyes")
Silly really because my blog is in mothballs and hasn't been updated for ages. I just link to it in order to identify myself.
Here's another thing. I wrote to the homeschool blog awards people, and expressed my disquiet about her award lending approval to her bigotry and widening her readership. I never got a reply. Is that usual? I would be interested to hear if others got a response or not.
It's very disappointing.
I just had a look and it looks like maybe she was trying to make it look like you thought the post was good. It's quite obvious something's missing though. It would've made more sense if she'd just rejected the comment.
I agree; she edited out your link to make it look like you are supporting her post and saying it's good. She must think it makes her look good, with you, of all people, agreeing with her. I'm guessing she wants to have people think you are seeing the light.
Because, you know, the truth of the situation isn't good enough.
I wondered what link you had tried to pass along, but thought it must have been to another Catholic cult website.
If she wanted to make it seem you were agreeing with her, she should have cut out everything after "This was kind of neat." Unless "I thought you might be interested" had a typo for "I thought you might be interestING."
Kelly, either that interstING thing, or attempting to give the impression that Elena sent her the link for her article in the first place and is now commenting on why.
Interesting. "Anonymous" just posted a link on the Chiniquy article to the EXACT SITE Elena linked to!
So it evidently she didn't object to the link then - maybe just the commenter.
But she misguided people into thinking that Elena supported her post. Evil. No other word for it.
Elena- just keep up the good fight and defend the faith. It was so nice of you to pass on the CM information since Candy is also a fan. Maybe she just doesn't know how to accept kindness from people she has chosen to call an enemy, but I really think Candy is running scared. She knows what's being said about her, and she knows that people are learning the real truth. She is also learning that she has turned many fallen-away Catholics off of her version of Christianity and sent them running back to the Catholic Church. The irony in that is just beautiful, I think. She is grasping at straws trying to maintain as much control as possible in how people that read her blog perceive you and others that defend the Catholic faith. I think it will be very interesting to see how it all plays out.
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