
Thursday, April 2, 2009

An interesting side note.

One of commenters here had this observation to make:

Sem, you have to understand that Elena and her crew are simply not use to coming up against people who are doctrinally sound and know their faith. They - just like they accuse us wretched Protestants - take what they ‘believe’ to be the truth about our faith instead of the facts as supported by Scripture.

And they are all self-righteous. Normally the go after some more mentally unstable woman who rants, raves and waves Jack Chick tracts around the blogosphere.

I love it that she has met her match. Thank you Elena for coming here.

I thought the bolded part was an interesting observation from someone who has been looking at our blogs.

As a side note, isn't "take(ing) what they ‘believe’ to be the truth about our faith instead of the facts as supported by Scripture" exactly what they do with Catholicism?

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Unashamed said...

"Met her match"? Whatever. I've been following the conversation and Elena is holding her own quite nicely.

Unknown said...

Although I do have to say that it is nice they were all able to set aside their snits to have compassion and pray for Elena.

They may disagree with us, but at least they don't discount our humanity and worth completely.

Elena, you and your family are in my prayers. I have a family member with ovarian cancer too, and it is so difficult.
