
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

More Bible Catholics

Candy addresses "anti-Candy" websites in her post again today, but my interest was caught more by the comments.

Dawn writes: I perused their site awhile back just to get a feel for what was going on, so I wouldn't feel so out of the loop with what was going on.. and one of the commenters had said "this is making me read my chatecism more"..and I felt SO SAD!!! She or He was missing the WHOLE POINT!! That commentor should be READING HER BIBLE!!!!

Suzanne, who sometimes comments here at our site, wrote: It's really too bad there has to be anti-Candy sites. I really feel bad for those, and I am being general, that just can't use Scripture and the pure Word of God.

First, Dawn is probably unfamiliar with the Catechism, but it is chock full of cross references to Scripture. For example, in the first first section, #30 states: "Let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice."5 Although man can forget God or reject him, He never ceases to call every man to seek him, so as to find life and happiness. But this search for God demands of man every effort of intellect, a sound will, "an upright heart", as well as the witness of others who teach him to seek God.

The quotation is from Psalm 105, verse 3.

It is very possible that there is a commenter who was inspired by our blog to read her Catechism more. That doesn't preclude Bible reading. There have also been a few commenters who wrote that they found their way to the Catholic Church through reading the Bible.

Very often, people demand from us "Where is that in Scripture?" and I am happy to oblige. Our posts are full of Scripture references, and I think that should be difficult to miss about our site. Here is a sampling of posts which rely on Biblical arguments for Catholic practices:

I Confess . . . That It's Biblical
Is Priestly Celibacy Biblical?
Candy versus St. Paul (on crucifixes)
Papal Ponderings
Interpreting Scripture

When Candy delved into the Gospel of John, we did too.
Let's Study The Bible!
John 2
John 3
John 6

I also shared a look into the strong history of Bible study within my own family. I can assure you, there's no dust on my Bible, and I haven't found anything contrary to Catholicism yet!

Even if you feel that Catholics look to the Pope more than we look to Scripture, rest assured that the Pope points us back to Scripture:

What can we learn from St. Jerome? Above all I think it is this: to love the word of God in sacred Scripture. St. Jerome said, "To ignore Scripture is to ignore Christ." That is why it is important that every Christian live in contact and in personal dialogue with the word of God, given to us in sacred Scripture.

This dialogue should be of two dimensions. On one hand, it should be truly personal, because God speaks to each of us through sacred Scripture and has a message for each of us. We shouldn't read sacred Scripture as a word from the past, but rather as the word of God addressed even to us, and we must try to understand what the Lord is telling us.

And if you think we've missed anything, you can head over to the Scripture Catholic website, which "provides over 2,000 Scripture citations from the Old and New Testament that explain and defend the teachings of the Catholic Church."

As for this:

I dedicate the below song to Elena and the other anti-Candy-ites:

The Lord has called me to do a very special job, to spread the Gospel of Christ, and I WON'T BACK DOWN... :-D

I would like to point out that we have no problem with Candy spreading the Gospel of Christ. I think, however, that she should be content to trust in the Gospel alone to bring people out of the Catholic Church, rather than posting false information about our beliefs.

If reading this post is all someone needs to do to get saved and receive the Holy Spirit, then she should trust that the Holy Spirit will reveal to that person that they should leave the Catholic Church. I think that sharing the Gospel builds up the Kingdom, but attacking particular branches of Christianity, even if you call it "revealing the TRUTH," tears it down.

So, keep preaching the Gospel, Candy, but trust in the Holy Spirit more. He won't let you down.

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Tanya said...

Funny how they assume that since we are reading our Catechisms, that automatically means we aren't reading our Bibles. Where do they come up with this stuff? Maybe they should stop reading Candy's blog and start reading THEIR Bibles!

Tracy said...

I don't know about the rest of you but for me, when I get out my Catechism, I get out my Bible as well, I use them both hand in hand. When my husband was Lutheran his church also had a Lutheran Catechism, it was called Luther's small Catechism.. so maybe its time for Candy and friends to start tearing down Lutherans or maybe they do that already? I'm so old of it, its Candy's way and her religion or none and if her readers want to buy into that very dangersou situation.. I feel so sad for them:(

Elena LaVictoire said...

Regardless of her protestations, Suzanne reveals the lack of her Catholic education just about every time she comments on the topic.

Erika S. said...

Great post Kelly.

Well said Blondie "Maybe they should stop reading Candy's blog and start reading THEIR Bibles!"


Erika S. said...

"I would like to point out that we have no problem with Candy spreading the Gospel of Christ. I think, however, that she should be content to trust in the Gospel alone to bring people out of the Catholic Church, rather than posting false information about our beliefs.

If reading this post is all someone needs to do to get saved and receive the Holy Spirit, then she should trust that the Holy Spirit will reveal to that person that they should leave the Catholic Church. I think that sharing the Gospel builds up the Kingdom, but attacking particular branches of Christianity, even if you call it "revealing the TRUTH," tears it down.

So, keep preaching the Gospel, Candy, but trust in the Holy Spirit more. He won't let you down."

I totally agree with that statement. I have alwayed wondered how someone that does not believe in works can "work" so hard. She should just focus on the Gospel. God will do the rest!

angie said...

Um, if maybe they started reading ALL of their Bibles, they'd be led straight to the Catholic Church, as so many of our best apologists have. I'm sorry, but Candy has me just laughing so hard today.

KitKat said...

Great post! I have to agree with Tracy as well - I was raised Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod and we learned from the Bible and from Luther's Small Cathechism. Now I read my Catechism AND my Bible. If they really took the time to understand the Church's teachings they would know that the Cathecism is a companion to the Bible, not a substitute. I guess that it is just easier to assume we never crack our Bibles open or hear Scripture readings at Mass. Sigh!

Tracy said...

Ignorance is the condition of being uninformed or uneducated, lacking knowledge or information: now, I'm not saying Candy and her readers are ignorant on all things but.. they are indeed ignorant when it comes to the Catholic church.
It is not a put down, I'm ignorant on anything that has to do with hunting, I know nothing about it but my husband knows a great deal... so would you come to me.. someone who has never gone hunting and knows nothing about it? No, you would go to an avid hunter like my husband, he has been hunting since he was nine years old and knows a great deal about hunting.. anyways, that's my deep thoughts for the day:)

Anonymous said...

Maybe the person who started reading the Catechism (sp?) more was already reading the Bible a lot anyway.

"I would like to point out that we have no problem with Candy spreading the Gospel of Christ. I think, however, that she should be content to trust in the Gospel alone to bring people out of the Catholic Church, rather than posting false information about our beliefs."
Totally agree with this point. In fact even if all she said about the Catholic Church were true, I would still think that she is going about things in the wrong way.